Women's Ritual and Renewal Retreat • Nov 11-13 • Boulder, CO

Beloved: I feel your heart. I know you carry grief and anger and confusion and hope and much more – all the aftermath of a great loss and change. You are not alone. Join us!

In this time of year of slowing down and moving inward, come join us in the beautiful mountains of Boulder, in this fall season, in a circle of love, curiosity, compassion, and creation.

Something mysterious and magical happens when we, as women, gather together and share our stories, our hearts, our wisdom, and the wild, incomprehensible cry of life and love and loss, from our deepest source.

In this weekend of contemplation, ritual, celebration, and ceremony, we will clear old patterns,  e will connect to the larger cycles all around us, and invite our big wild emotions – grief and fear and anger and confusion – to break us open into wonder.

Together, we will come back into joy: the joy of being alive in these our bodies, and the joy of belonging and feeling understood, seen, and heard, with compassionate witness and unconditional love. We will call in our greatest blessings, and return from this sacred space back into the world with renewed wellness, purpose, and joy.

You will learn: 

• how to embrace change in all its forms

• rituals for grief, transition, and calling in the new

• how to use self pleasure as a renewable resource for self-discovery, connection, self love, and wholistic wellness

• how to connect deeply with Nature, animist energies, and the more than human world as allies in our cycles of transition and creation

I’m Anne More, CSB. Welcome!


I will be your guide for this weekend of restoration and renewal. As a Somatic Arts Educator, Ceremonialist, Master Trainer, Sexuality and Relationship Coach, Sexological Bodyworker, and Accelerated Evolution Transformational Coach, I understand the profound importance of bringing our bodies together in safe spaces to express, clear held energies and emotions, and witness and experience our truths, especially in a time of transition. I know this landscape of loss, and hold for you that every ending holds in its very essence a beautiful and mysterious beginning. Come with us into the Unknown and come through into All That Can Be.