The Key to Lasting Love

Play is the secret to great sex – and a joyful life - at any age!

We as a culture, dismiss the idea that sex gets better with age. But the truth is that good sex - satisfying, connecting, meaningful sex - is something we need to learn, over time.

The happiest couples I see in my practice, are the ones who have been together 10, 20, 30 years... and are willing and ready to be curious, to try new things, and explore who they are, newly in each moment.
It takes us as humans decades to reach sexual maturity!

Good sex is not dependent on anatomy. At all. It's available to anyone, with any body, at any age. It arises from a meaningful, secure, present connection, from self-acceptance and being at ease in our bodies, from slowing down, wanting to be with our partner, and then finding ways to express that, that feel authentic, honoring, and genuinely pleasurable - not from craving sexual attention, or "performing" pleasure the way we think it's supposed to look.

SEXUAL MATURITY: The Key to Lasting Love

Play is the secret to great sex – and a joyful life - at any age!

We as a culture, dismiss the idea that sex gets better with age. But the truth is that good sex - satisfying, connecting, meaningful sex - is something we need to learn, over time.

The happiest couples I see in my practice, are the ones who have been together 10, 20, 30 years... and are willing and ready to be curious, try new things, and explore who they are, newly in each moment. It takes us as humans decades to reach sexual maturity!

Good sex is not dependent on anatomy. At all. It's available to anyone, with any body, at any age. It arises from a meaningful, secure, present connection, from self-acceptance and being at ease in our bodies, from slowing down, wanting to be with our partner, and then finding ways to express that, that feel authentic, honoring, and genuinely pleasurable - not from craving sexual attention, or "performing" pleasure the way we think it's supposed to look.

Loving the Body You Have Right Now.

So much of sexual maturity, is learning to love and accept ourselves just as we are. Our bodies are changing all the time. That's a great thing! It means we always have new opportunities to listen, learn, and grow together.
What if you loved your body? Couldn't wait to show it and share it with your partner? Couldn't wait to be with their body, just as they are? What might that make possible?
Shed your hesitation and shame, that sense of heaviness, all that worry about performing or being good enough or getting it right. Instead, learn how you (and your beloved) can just be yourself, trying fun things out that feel great.

Can it be that simple? YES! It can!

Erotic play combined with enthusiastic consent, arousal, and loving presence, frees us to be in a timeless place of pure embodied enjoyment. No perfect beach body or six-pack abs required!

Imagine your sex life full of free-flowing erotic fun, new erotic experiences you can share with delight, and permission to unfetter your imagination and enjoy sensations and experiences that bring you new understanding of who you are, individually and together.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

What if you felt free to try new things, to discover, to explore together? What might that make possible in your relationship? In your life?

Sex boosts happiness

Studies show that those who have intercourse with their partners have greater satisfaction with their mental health. And studies of older adults found that physical affection - holding hands, cuddling, kissing and mutual caressing - also boost your quality of life.

Sex improves your sleep

Your body releases prolactin, a hormone that relaxes you, after an orgasm. The combination of prolactin and other “happiness” hormones (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin) help you sleep better after sex. To get the most prolactin, have an orgasm with a partner if possible. Research shows that the level of prolactin in both men and women after intercourse can be “400% greater than that following masturbation.”

Sex boosts your immunity

Researchers at Pennsylvania’s Wilkes University asked college students how often they had sex and compared their antibody levels. Those who had the most sex, had the healthiest, most robust immune system, along with those in health, long-term relationships.

Sex improves your heart health

Women have frequent, extremely satisfying sex have a lower risk of hypertension, which can lead to heart disease, according to a 2016 study.

Men who have sex at least twice a week are 45% less likely to have heart disease according to this study by the New England Research Institute.

Sex boosts your brain health

Forget crossword puzzles! Research indicates that keeping your sex life active protects and improves improves your brain’s executive functioning and recall. British researchers found that for those between the ages of 50 and 89, sexual activity increased cognitive function even after adjusting for quality of life, loneliness, depression and physical activity. Both men and women who were more sexually active did better on the tests than those who had less sex.

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