Love is for all of us. At every age.

Are you ready for the next chapter? Ready for the sex education you never had, with the latest in discoveries about what is possible in eroticism, sexuality, and pleasure? Ready to love the body you are in right now? And to explore, celebrate, and share it in whole new ways with your partner?

Just three months to shift into a whole new paradigm in your body, your relationships, your way of loving and touching and experiencing your sexuality, your partner, and this one wild and precious life.

Get started now creating the kind of sex and love you’ve been waiting for!

“How do we change it up and try new things without feeling awkward and embarrassed?”

“We want to learn new tips and techniques for variety, more pleasure, and better orgasms”

“How do we find out about anatomy for older bodies, and tips and work-arounds?”

“It’s harder for me to get or maintain erections. I want to please my partner, but who even am I as a lover, without an erection?”

“I don’t really even want sex. My libido is at an all-time low. Arousal and orgasm feel like they’ve disappeared since menopause. Help!”

“Is there more to sex than genitals? We’ve been doing that forever. We love each other, but we’re bored!”

You’re not alone. And I’ve got answers for you!

No matter how long you’ve felt stuck, you can learn to play for what may be the first time in your life. It’s not too late. You’re right on time! A whole universe of pleasure and adventure awaits.

It's not too late. You're not too old. What if you could ask for ALL of what you want- and receive it? (You can!) Learn how to express all the love you feel, in wondrous new ways.

Higher Love and Good Sex for a Lifetime

Sex, Love & Joy After 50

January 21 - March 4, 2023
Six live group coaching calls Six Sexy Topics, with tons of content and resources!

I'm Anne More, CSB. As an International Somatic Sexologist who just turned 60 this year, I'm having the best sex of my life! The kind of sex I never even dreamed about, in my 20's and 30's. My clients in their 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond, are, too!

I wanted everyone to have the sexual freedom, pleasure, and joy that is your birthright - regardless of your age. Now, in this course, I bring you all of my knowledge and resources as Erotic Blueprints™ Master Trainer, International Sex and Relationship Coach, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, and Conscious Kink Coach. 

Because shame (including ageism) lives in secrecy and isolation, I'm also creating a safe, judgement-free community to talk about sex, our struggles with it, our desires and dreams, and what we want to create for these next chapters of our lives.

I believe great sex and conscious, loving, vulnerable connection are our greatest renewable resources for lasting relationships and lifelong vitality, for ourselves, our communities, and the world. We all deserve exactly the kind of touch we most desire, with the people who light up our hearts. Let's make it happen.

What people are saying about this course...

"After 20 years, I finally told my husband I was Kinky! I never would have been able to do that without your playful, easy approach. You make talking about sex, seem easy and fun!"
KG, San Francisco
“We’ve been married ten years and were afraid we might break up. You’ve contributed so much to our happiness! We’re having more sex now than we’ve had in years, and we’re so much more playful and relaxed!
L & M, Denmark
"Why didn't we learn this all ages ago, in school? It's unbelievable what we are discovering, after this long together, and at our age! So grateful we have this information, and these opportunities now."
JB, Arizona
“I never knew what I never knew. I feel like I have a whole new partner. And a whole new lease on love and sex!"
RC, San Diego

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